Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Notice of Annual Meeting:

The Annual Meeting of S D Woodcarvers Inc. will begin at 9:30 AM, Saturday, Jan. 19, 2008,
Room 503 of the Ed Wood Trade and Industry Center,
Southeast Technical Institute,
2301 Career Place, Sioux Falls, SD.

The purpose of the meeting shall be (1) to elect officers, (2) to conduct general business pursuant to the goals and purposes stated in the Corporate Charter and by laws, and
(3) to deal with issues related to the specific projects and activities preformed in the past or to be preformed in the future by the members as a group.

Chip carving, continued from the December meeting, has been planned for the after-meeting program. New cutouts and patterns will be available.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Minutes of the Annual Meeting

Held January 19, 2008

At 9:30 AM the meeting was called to order by President Dick Peterson. A reading of the minutes of the last year's annual meeting, held January 20, 2007, and a showing of books and records of the corporation prompted a discussion about the duties of the Vice President and his stated duty to maintain a scrap book. The relevance and nonexistence of a Program Director was also part of that discussion. A motion was finally passed to (1) leave the scrapbook in dormancy along with all the other record books at the Registered Agent's house, and (2) to let the Board of Directors review the duties of the Vice President and Program Director to see if they should be combined under a new amendment to the by laws.

Referencing a November meeting of the Board of Directors, in which better awareness and transferability of special duties and responsibilities of each office was an issue, Pres. Peterson expressed the need for everyone to be aware of calendar dates and deadlines for such things as non-profit reports and fees to the State and the IRS (a recent requirement), annual mail box renewal, and annual meeting room reservation. Then he asked the question: How do we get new members and participation at meetings comparable to weekly classes at the Center for Active Generations?
Attending members offered a number of suggestions including: web site revision and update, increased frequency of meetings, greater commitment by each individual member to finish projects and invite guests, and participation in Horse Barn activities, Art Falls, and Sidewalk Arts Festivals. Vice Pres. Sabers offered to investigate possibilities for a club booth at this year's Sidewalk Arts Festival.
Finally, a motion to validate the nominations and re-election of the current officers to continue their service for another year was passed. A brief discussion of the rules and prize money for the Sioux Empire Fair Exposition led to Treasurer Bill Huntimer's report and clarification of the finances along with a warning that income from dues was not keeping up with expenses. The meeting was adjourned at about 10:40 AM, and attention was paid to chip carving projects and patterns.
~~~Sec. Arne Bortnem